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What are the accounting procedures for non-profit organisations?

unrestricted net asset

In certain circumstances holding restricted funds may reduce the need to hold reserves for particular purposes. Where there is a pension asset, this is normally designated and not counted as part of the charity’s reserves because it is not available to the charity’s trustees to spend. Where there is a pension liability this may require some or all of the available unrestricted funds that are otherwise uncommitted to be designated to meet all or part of that liability.

However, certain functional assets used operationally by a charity might be essential to the implementation of their operational strategy. The Charities SORP specifically allows funds held as tangible fixed assets for charity use to be excluded from reserves. This recognises that certain assets will be used operationally and their disposal may adversely impact on a charity’s ability to deliver its aims. Reserves are that part of a charity’s unrestricted income fund that is freely available to spend on any of the charity’s purposes. To set a reserves policy, it is vital for trustees to understand any restrictions on the use of the charity’s funds.

Step 6: Agreeing a reserves policy

I report on the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020 set out on pages five to eleven. Charities should be responsive to beneficiary needs and for some charities this can arise urgently and unexpectedly. Again, charities should consider the need to hold reserves in response to such events or whether it can rely on an appeal to the public where urgent need arises.

Where material funds have been designated, the reserves policy statement should quantify and explain the purposes of these designations and, where set aside for future expenditure, the likely timing of the expenditure. Annex 2 of this guidance sets out an ‘integrated approach’ for larger charities with more complex activities and structures. An integrated approach to setting a reserves policy means the development of a reserves policy at the same time as doing strategic, operational, and budgetary planning. The circumstances of a charity or the environment in which it operates will change with time and trustees should review their policy at least annually as part of a charity’s planning processes. The amount held in reserves should also be monitored during the course of the year as part of a charity’s budgetary processes. A reserves policy explains to existing and potential funders, donors, beneficiaries and other stakeholders why a charity is holding a particular amount of reserves.

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If a charity is widely believed to have large reserves, further appeals for funds may provoke resentment against the charity for apparently seeking funds it does not need. In wording its appeals, and in dealing with any reaction to the appeals, trustees should take care not to give anyone the wrong impression about the extent or urgency of their charity’s need for funds. A charity with excess reserves or unspent funds should explore the reasons for this, for example whether they could do more to increase the number of beneficiaries entitled to use the charity’s service doing so. The Corporation uses the allowance method to determine uncollectible dues
and co-sponsorship conference fees receivable (“receivables”). The
Corporation periodically evaluates its receivables and establishes an
allowance for doubtful accounts based on its prior years’ experience and
current credit considerations.

unrestricted net asset

A good reserves policy gives confidence to stakeholders that the charity’s finances are being properly managed and will also provide an indicator of future funding needs and its overall resilience. These SORP accounting standards for non-profit organisations stipulate that non-profits must provide detailed analysis of their income and expenditure activities. Many non-profit organisations carry out multiple activities, and they must track all these in their accounting procedures.

1 Can a charity invest its reserves?

Such donations are reported as unrestricted support unless the donor has restricted the use of the donated asset to a specific purpose. Assets donated with explicit restrictions regarding their use are reported as restricted support. Absent donor stipulations regarding how long those donated assets must be maintained, the Organization reports expirations of donor restrictions when the donated or acquired assets are placed in service as instructed by the donor.

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  • Investing reserves in assets other than cash also involves a greater degree of investment risk.
  • If a charity is widely believed to have large reserves, further appeals for funds may provoke resentment against the charity for apparently seeking funds it does not need.
  • This form reports the nonprofit’s revenues, expenses and changes to net assets.

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